Top Guidance to Healthcare Entrepreneurs

Make the first step

I believe that we are all born for a reason, we have all unique gifts. There is a reason to why you have this special idea in your head – it doesn’t come from anyone else but you. It lives inside of you. It has been placed with you as you are the one who can accomplish that unique thing that your heart wants to conquer. Make the first step – no matter how small.

Own your actions

Every single word that comes out of your mouth have a consequence. No matter how small it is. Whether it is to ask for food, show a person you love them or move forward with a given task – every single word has a consequence.

Live a life in Truth

Wake up every morning living in the Truth. The truth towards yourself. Do you live a life where you are being honest to yourself. Are you surrounded by people that gives you joy and cherish you? That only want the very best for you. Do you have a job that makes you happy, where you can grow and where everything brings value to others? Live a life in truth in integrity with yourself.


Give every day. If you have nothing to give then give your smile. Your compassion. Your love. Make other peoples day by giving.


Look around and focus on the love. The love between people, the mother caressing a child, the couple kissing, the green tree, the beautiful flowers. Be the love – live the love.


Build from your heart. Set goals. Where do you see yourself in 1 year, in 2, in 3? Be the one being in control of your life and build what you want to see. Put yourself in a position with no dependency of others and focus on your growth and by growing bring value to others.


Think of yourself as plant and bring it water and love. Bring water to yourself first, love and nurture yourself and be the strong healthy tree that can bring energy to your surroundings.

Be the best version of yourself

Every day in every situation become and always work on being the best version of yourself. Be prepared for the meeting. Show up with integrity and truth. Look yourself in the mirror every day and be proud of the reflection you see.

Amazing Hall helps Healthcare Entrepreneurs and Executives through a mixture of storytelling and strategic marketing guidance to navigate in their journey.


Don’t Chase – Build!


True Storytelling - You must reflect on the stories and how to create value